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This project is currently in the Alpha status. It is only a batch file at the moment but it is on its way up there to be a full time application that you can install. To download the RAR click here.

What does this project do?
uWGUI installs the WebUI for uTorrent. It is a task supposedly taken care of automatically by uTorrent (in documentation) but I have had many people ask me how to install it. Now instead of having them go through a long tutorial, why not just click Install and be done with it? That always works for me. :-)

What does uWGUI stand for?
The reason for the u in uWGUI is because my name begins with a U (uGot, originally was ug0tpwn3d but shortened) and because of uTorrent. The rest stands for Web Graphical User Interface. This project was also called uTorrent and BitTorrent WebUI Installer but I found this name to be better. You may have found one of my first releases of this project on Mininova by clicking here.

WHAT THE **** is a WebUI!?!?!?!?!?
A WebUI is where you can control your downloads with uTorrent or BiTTorrent anywhere in the world that has broadband.


This project is maintained by uGot. You can reach me in a number of ways:

AIM: tommehgee
XFire (gaming IM): trg0728